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Linck Boys

Welcome to the world!

Ryan James has finally arrived.  We have been truly blessed with two adorable and wonderful boys!  Ryan's information has been added to the Before the Arrival Page and At the Hospital.  There's lots of new stuff on almost every page!

Life has been great but busy!  We've reorganized the website.  Start at the Latest Photos and News page.  Look for a new growth picture of Ryan with the bear on the Robert's and Ryan's Growth page. 


Sara's back to work for December and January.  Times are tough but at least the work is local this time around.  Both boys are in day care full time with both parents being very busy at work.  Thankfully it's a shorter month with the holidays and then January is almost as short with a planned week-long visit to family in Illinois.  It doesn't help that it's FREEZING cold!  The high tomorrow (Dec 17) is 0 degrees F.  Crazy!  


We wish your family the best this Christmas season.  Miss you! 



Hello Friends . . . Welcome


Robert Scott
Weight - 9 lb 13.8 oz
Length - 21 1/2"
Bass Integris Hospital
Ryan James
Weight - 8 lb 4 oz.
Length - 22"
Deaconness Medical Center

Robert's email address is missing500@gmail.com  Please drop us a line!