The Baby Showers for Robert. . .
Sara was blessed with two baby showers before Robert's birth. The first was prepared by her Aunt Kathy and was
held at her house in Irvine, CA. The shower was wonderful! It allowed Sara's family and friends from California
to share in the joy of Robert's pending arrival.
The second shower was thrown by Elisa Hedenberg and Michelle Ganske. It was held at the Hedenberg's house in OK.
This gave all of our 'local' friends and family a chance to visit and celebrate as well.
Baby Shower #2 Enid, OK |
Aunt Jennifer, Sara, Scott, and Nana Cheryl |
Michelle, Elisa, and Sara |
Dan, Rich, Scott, Cory, and Eric |
Robert's Baby Room in Enid. . .
We converted our second bedroom from our home office to Robert's nursery. The three yellow and green paintings
you can see on the wall were painted by Robert's Mom. He enjoys looking at these when having his diaper changed.
They seem to keep him calm and relaxed during the process. Great job Mom!
The quilt on the opposite wall was hand-made by Robert's Great Grandmother Patricia. It is beautifully done and
really brings the room together. We are sure it will become one of Robert's treasured keepsakes in the years to come.
A Baby Shower for Ryan...
We were so lucky to have made some great friends here in Spokane. Beverly Mate was sweet enough to throw a baby
shower for Ryan at her home. Some new friends were in attendance and also my mom and Rachel.
New diaper bag from Beverly |
Baby Shower #1 Irvine, CA |
Choosing a Name for Robert . . .
The name Robert was an early choice. It was introduced by Sara with the idea that we could name the baby after
her father, Robert Victoreen. Scott liked the name, but was worried that Robert would turn into 'Bob'. Other names
were introduced such as Michael, Dylan, Alexander, Tyler, and (Scott's favorite) Maximus.
After many late night discussions, we came to the conclusion that the baby would indeed be named after her father
Robert. The plan is to call him Robert until he gets old enough to decide upon his own nickname (Rob, Bob,
etc.). In addition, the agreement included making baby's middle name Scott. Both Sara and Scott are very
happy with this arrangement and with the name. Hopefully Robert Scott Linck will feel the same way. Sounds like
a future doctor or president...well, somebody important.
Choosing a Name for Ryan...
We were having a tough time agreeing on a name. Then I was thinking about names that sounded good with Linck.
Scott's mom had done a great job picking out "Linck" names and I really liked the way Bryan sounded but couldn't steal Uncle
Bryan's name. So...I figured Ryan had the same sound, went great with Robert, and just seemed to be a great fit with
the family. Scott agreed! James just fit perfect with Ryan. I also thought "RJ" would be a cute nickname.
Scott hated "RJ" but liked the way Ryan James Linck sounded. Once Ryan was born, we both agreed that he definitely looked
like a Ryan!
Ryan's Room in Spokane...
Ryan was lucky to inherit Robert's surf room and Robert was moved to his first "big boy" room with big boy bed and all.
So, it was an easy set up...