We've changed the look of the website. All of our favorite photos from the past have been archived by year.
Look for pages listed by year on the navigation bar.
Ryan is still huge! He's now 23.5 lbs at 7 months. He's been sick the past few weeks and we're all praying
that he recovers soon and he can go back to being a great sleeper. Until then, we're up all night either rocking him,
cuddling him, or listening to him scream! I'm a little worried though that his sleeping issues have more to do with
his mental and physical development than his cough. He's starting to be mobile as he slowly - very slowly - scoots across
the floor. His movement is kind of insidious and you have to remember where you left him to realize that he's moved
at all - but he's moving! We're also welcoming his first tooth. So he has lots going on and would
apparently rather share these fun times with us instead being in his lonely crib.
Robert continues to be more chatty and is always surprising us with his humor, imagination, and goofiness. He also
has a pretty good memory and repeats things that we talked about weeks ago and haven't mentioned since. So we have to
watch what we say - he's always listening... We're trying to capitalize on his memory by putting up words around the
house. We'll see if he can match Scott's feat of reading at age 3.
We had a great Christmas/visit in Illinois with only a small unexpected layover in Denver! Ryan and Robert enjoyed
Nana's pool and all the presents. Robert also got to see Disney Ice Capades where the Cars characters actually spun
out on the ice! My working mom days are also over for a long while!
Happy Valentine's Day! XOXO