We went into the hospital on Saturday morning at 7:00 to be induced...well we were supposed to be there at 7:00 but woke
up late after being in early labor all night. After 10 hours, Robert was finally born at 4:53 pm.
Notice the weight on the scale - 9 lb 13.8 oz! |
A little while later and bundled up - feeling much better!
More visitors... |
Rich "Cursed" Ganske holds me with the kung fu grip. |
Eric, Elisa, and Sam (not pictured) stopped by to give me some love. |
Ryan's Big Day
One hour before Ryan arrived... |
We almost didn't get to take one but then Grandma arrived with the camera just in time... |
The big moment arrives...
We arrived at the hospital around 6 p.m. with strong contractions about 3 minutes apart. Five hours later, and
after waiting 45 minutes for the doctor to arrive, I pushed for about 10 - 15 minutes (3 pushes) and out flew baby Ryan.
He was a little purple from the pushing and definitely smaller than Robert but was perfect. He surprised us with all
of his red hair! Ryan was officially born at 11:39 p.m.
Robert spent the night at our neighbor's house and Grandma made it back home a little while after the delivery
to get a couple hours of sleep. Robert spent the next day in day care while we got to recover and enjoy the new
baby. Robert joined us in the hospital a little later in the afternoon and was excited to see Ryan, mom and dad.
Of course that wore off within 5 minutes and he was more interested in watched his Thomas and Friends video on the TV.
We received lots of wonderful wishes, flowers, and gifts. Also our friend Ali came to visit and brought some
much needed reading material (gossip magazines) and candy! Laura Jackson from Scott's office also stopped
by to check in on us.
Birth Details
Delivered by: Dr. David Parker
Nurses: Angela and Tammy
Others Present: Scott (Daddy)
First Visitors: Scott's mom Cheryl (Nana) and her husband Glen, and Aunt Jennifer
Birth Details
Delivered by: Dr. David Meline and Midwife Shelly
Nurse: Michelle
Others Present: Scott (Daddy), Suzanne (Grandma)
First Visitors: Ali Parks, Laura Jackson